Sunday, May 18, 2008

The 24-week MegaBUMP

At this rate, I'm getting a little concerned that he's going to be like his Uncle Matthew (i.e., 11 pounds...eep!)

Other stuff on my mind:
  • Cloth diapers: We're going with them for a variety of environmental and health reasons. I had no idea how many kinds were out there! I'm thinking about Green Acres Designs...if anyone out there has cloth diapering experience, please share your favorites!
  • Holycrapwe'removingin4weeks!: Packing has finally commenced and will hopefully continue at a suitably brisk yet manageable pace. Though we're packing ourselves, thanks be to God, the church is paying for movers. Starting to pay Savannah rent the first of the month and continuing to pay Nashville rent through the end of July, however, sucks.
  • Work: I've still got four more weeks, right up until the day before the movers load our stuff (not ideal scheduling, but so be it). My job has been an amazing experience, and I'm going to deeply miss a lot of things about it, but I'm looking forward to the "new" job. As my mom says, the pay isn't good, but the benefits are outstanding.
  • Baby names: This has been the major topic of conversation around here lately. We thought we had one just about picked up, but the first name turns out to be really high on the recent popularity rankings. We have a couple more promising options...will keep you posted when something is definite.
  • Childbirth options: I find using a midwife and a birthing center appealing. I need to try to get some dirt on the birthing center in (well, just outside) Savannah before I make a choice. Another thing I'm trying to discern about is drugs (and what kind) versus epidurals at said birthing center, so the two decisions kind of go together.


Land of Lovings said...

You look awesome! The baby bump is one of the things I miss most about being pregnant. Hmmm...might have to fix that sometime soon.

Good luck on the moving! We closed on our house two days after Ivy was born so it can be done even in the most hectic of circumstances. The paying double rent thing is quite crappy though. Sorry to hear that!

Sounds like you guys have some real exciting adventures ahead of you. I'll look forward to hearing about them and I'll be praying for you guys in the meantime!

Me said...

Thanks for the positivity & the prayers - it's going to be a hectic few weeks here & we can use all we can get! :)

Kimpossible said...

Hey old friend. I'm glad you posted a comment because I didn't know about your blogger blog!

Your bump is fabulous.

Do the birthing center! I didn't have the epidural as an option either, so that was a big step. Because inevitably you WILL beg for drugs of some kind. If they're not available then you'll resort to other ways of pain alleviation, which only birthing centers provide enough of, in my humble opinion.

I also recommend netflicking (like the way I verbed that?) _The Business of Being Born_ by Ricky Lake (documentary). Fabulous.

Good luck with the move ... now I'll be able to keep in touch (and post comments) much more easily. Woo-hoo.

LaRoche said...

you don't need no stinkin drugs!

she's right though, you'll start to wonder at some point if maybe those millions of women taking them know something you don't know...

I made it. and for the next week and a half I SWORE I would NEVER have another child. But years go by and, well, we'll see what happens.

I say try to do things the way you want and make sure your supporters know what you want. Ben was awesome for that support with me. I was out of it & got pissed when they tried to give me fluids for dehydration because I thought they were giving me drugs. oops.

also, many moms I know used fuzzy bunz and loved them very much.