Benjamin is doing so much better! The (new) vet suggested treating first for an inner ear infection, which could cause the head tilt and eye scanning and has the infinite advantage of being treatable. After a few days of antibiotics, his head is upright, the eyes are steady, his appetite is back, and he generally acts much more energetic. Thank God for banana-flavored liquid Baytril.
In other Tracy family news, Alex is preparing to go before the South Georgia Annual Conference of the UMC for his ordination interviews in a couple of weeks. Whether he gets ordained or not, he'll be taking a church appointment & we'll be moving in June, but getting over this hurdle will mean a lot to him.
As for me, I've been pooped today. Apparently my body will be done constructing the placenta soon & I should get my energy back. This week, baby is around 2 inches long (!!!) and is developing hair follicles, nail beds, and sex organs.
I leave you with a sight I just beheld to my immediate left. When she's very relaxed, Maggie flops on her side and grooms her front paws in a way that reminds me of a girl stretched out on her bed & doing her nails. I'd reach over and rub her fuzzy white belly (Maggie's, not the hypothetical manicure girl), but she would never forgive me.