Thursday, February 14, 2008

So, there he/she is!

We actually found out from a home pregnancy test on January 1 (which Alex insists I can throw away now that we have pictures!) We decided to keep it on the low-down for a while since it was so early, though immediate families (who didn't know we were trying) got phone calls right away. Now that I've had my first appointment & know that all is well, we're going public (which is a euphemism for shouting it from the rooftops!)

I'm at 10 weeks 4 days according to the ultrasound, and baby Tracy is due September 8. I've been super-lucky in terms of not having morning sickness or other extreme symptoms. I'm tired sometimes, I get indigestion easily, I have some moodiness, my boobs hurt, and I'm breaking out more than usual. All things considered, though, it ain't bad. :)

Oh, and we swear it was dancing on the ultrasound.


Jack's Raging Mommy said...

I still have both my pee-tests. Hold on to it. Boys don't understand is all :)

LaRoche said...

That's funny, I think I kept mine until after Stella was born and then realized I didn't need proof anymore. Also I found out the weekend of my mom's wedding, so it's not like I'll forget the moment or anything. Us girls are funny creatures - hanging on to small white sticks covered with our pee. Very weird.

Also, you are very close to all my maternity clothes. They are waiting for me in Cowan or Winchester - just down the mountain from Sewanee.

Call me, email me, write me back and I will HOOK YOU UP! There are tons & you will need them. If I ever get pregnant again that just means I have to visit you to get them back - deal?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you. It was good to see you at the International lunch. Good luck with everything. You are in my morning prayers!