Tuesday, March 12, 2002

I had my performance review today. Not scary, pretty much heard what I already knew as far as what areas I'm doing well in and which need improvement. Since making the decision yesterday to apply for grad school, it's hard to focus on or care much about how to be better at my job. I don't want to burn bridges or anything, but it's hard to be motivated. If I don't get into Georgia State, I'll probably shift into job search mode. Must call tomorrow about GRE. That's the next thing on my to-do list. That and call Ms. Martin, Dr. Gaspar & Dr. Blakley for recommendations.

I went to get the new Indigo Girls cd over lunch. It's wonderful. Everyone go buy it! Also waiting for them to post the lineup for Music Midtown; it's suppoed to be up today. I want to sign up to volunteer again. Free entertainment is a Good Thing.

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